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HD 98: Jaclyn Zimmermann


Who is Jaclyn Zimmermann?

A lifelong resident of Missouri, I currently live in Manchester with my husband Todd and three sons. I am a practicing attorney and a small business owner. After growing up in Steelville, Missouri, I attended Missouri State University and later attended the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law.

I am a strong advocate for education, women's reproductive rights, and common sense gun legislation. My children currently attend public schools, so I know firsthand the difficulties public schools are facing in Missouri, including low teacher pay. I am a strong advocate for public education, and I want to strengthen the public school system in Missouri, not weaken it.

As a woman, reproductive rights are very important to me, and I will work hard to make sure that Missouri women have control over their own reproductive health. Missourians have had enough of the government inserting itself into the private decisions between a woman, her family, and her doctor.

Growing up in rural Missouri, I understand that responsible gun ownership is a cornerstone of our country and state. But at the same time, I know that common-sense gun laws are needed to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, and to keep guns out of schools so our children are safe.

I have focused my law practice for 14 years on helping Missouri workers resolve disputes with their employers. I advise my clients on employment discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and wage and hour issues. I know firsthand the hardships Missouri workers have faced in the workplace, and I have dedicated my career to helping them.

I hope I have your support for this campaign. Please reach out to volunteer or donate to my campaign.

Ready to make calls? Click HERE. Want to know more? Scroll down to see where Jaclyn stands on the issues.


Every Missouri child should have access to free, quality public education regardless of their zip code. As your representative, I will work to strengthen our public schools and fully fund our commitment to our kids.

Missouri's teachers are some of the lowest paid in the nation. I will work to increase teacher pay, and show our hardworking teachers the appreciation they deserve.

I will support universal early childhood education, because investing in our kids from an early age is the best way for us to invest in our future. I will also support investment in higher education and workforce training, to ensure all Missourians have the opportunity to gain the skills to compete in our economy.

Reproductive Rights

Every person should have the autonomy to make decisions about their body and their life. Republicans have passed extreme abortion bans in recent years, limiting access to abortion even in cases of rape, incest, or medical need.

Mothers die from childbirth in Missouri in numbers far greater than the rest of the industrialized world, and instead of promoting healthcare, Missouri legislators have placed burdensome restrictions on it.

As your state rep, I will stand with women for the right to make the best decisions about their healthcare for their own lives.


Quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare is every Missourian’s right. But every year Missouri families must make increasingly difficult decisions for how they prioritize spending on prescription drugs and medical bills over the basic costs of living.

At the same time, the Republican-led House has left millions of federal dollars on the table meant for expanding healthcare access to Missourians. Their inaction means less healthy communities, higher premiums for those with coverage, and the loss of hospitals, especially in rural areas.

As your state representative, I’ll support common sense measures like expanding Medicaid, so no Missourian is forced to choose between a decent job and keeping their healthcare.


As an attorney, I have represented workers who have been discriminated in the workplace. Republicans in recent years have passed legislation that makes it easier for employers, landlords or businesses to discriminate based on race, age, religion or gender—more so than in any other state.

Every year for the past two decades, the Missouri Non-Discrimination Act (MONA) has been filed, only to be blocked by Republicans. MONA would allow basic protections to our LGBTQ community by adding sexual orientation and gender identity to Missouri’s Human Rights Act. Missourians should not have to fear losing their jobs or being denied housing for who they love—discrimination that is currently completely legal in our state.

As your state rep, I will work for a Missouri that welcomes people regardless of race, religion, gender, age or sexual orientation, and protects all people from discrimination.